Friday, May 11, 2012

Week in the Life - 2012

Most of my family and friends know that I am a scrapbooker.  I made scrapbooks long before scrapbooking became a multi-million dollar industry.  Of course, once it "took off" I was already hooked and was happy that my long-time hobby had a new approach.  It did not hurt that there were so many great products introduced as well!  Along with a lucrative product industry, came magazines that created several scrapbooking "celebrities." 

One such celebrity is Ali Edwards.  (  Every year she facilitates a challenge to her followers (and herself) to document a week of your life, in photos and in words. The week of April 23 to April 29 was her 2012 challenge week.  In all, I have completed 4 of these challenges and decided it was a great time to participate again.  Our time here in the BVI has just begun.  I think it will be great to do this challenge again next year and see just how much our routines will have changed when we are completely settled.
I am not quite sure, yet, how I am going to design my pages for this year's challenge.  In all I took about 300 photos and then narrowed the collection down to 126.  There are not a lot of options for photo processing here and at 60 cents a print, I do not intend on printing over a hundred photos.  I did create daily collages of my photos to share.  Perhaps I may end up having 8x10 sizes of the collages printed on my first visit home and create pages with the collages and the intense journalling I did that week.  Here are Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and Reilly & Reagan collages. Happy Friday!




Reilly & Reagan


  1. Awesome! I love this idea, will have to try it myself sometime. We need to catch up, haven't seen you in ages!

  2. Yes! I agree, I have a few crazy stories in just the few weeks we haven't seen you!
